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Types of Adjusters in Florida: A Comprehensive Guide
When it comes to filing an insurance claim, it's important to understand the different types of adjusters in Florida....
What is a Florida Adjuster License?
The FL 70-20 adjuster license (Florida 70-20 designated state of residence adjuster license for non-residents (DHS)) is...
When to Hire a Public Adjuster: A Comprehensive Guide
The insurance adjuster works for the insurance company, and their job is to obtain information about claims and determine ...
Understanding the Regulations for Public Adjusters in Florida
The Florida Legislature recognizes the importance of regulating public insurance adjusters to protect the public from...
What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?
A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help resolve an insurance...
What is the Role of an Insurance Adjuster and How Does it Work?
The role of an insurance adjuster is to review and estimate the payment of claims for an insurance company. They inspect...
Do I Need a Public Adjuster in Florida?
When it comes to filing an insurance claim in the state of Florida, it is important to understand the role of a public...
Is Being an Adjuster Stressful? A Comprehensive Guide
The job of a claims adjuster is a demanding one, but the rewards can be great. Adjusters are responsible for helping...