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What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?

What is a Public Adjuster and How Can They Help You?

A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help resolve an insurance...


Are Insurance Adjusters Really Evil?

Are Insurance Adjusters Really Evil?

Can You Deduct Public Adjuster Fees?

Can You Deduct Public Adjuster Fees?

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Is Being a Claims Adjuster Difficult? An Expert's Perspective

Being a claims adjuster is often considered one of the most challenging jobs in the insurance industry. It requires...

The Stressful Life of a Claims Adjuster: How to Avoid Exhaustion

The job of a claims adjuster is often seen as one that attracts a lot of anger and animosity from people who expect to...

What is the Role of a Public Adjuster?

A public adjuster is an independent insurance professional that a policyholder can hire to help them resolve an insurance ...

Is Hiring a Public Adjuster a Good Idea?

If you're considering hiring a public adjuster, the sooner you start the claims process, the better. A public adjuster...

Can a Public Adjuster Legally Solicit Clients?

The public adjuster is prohibited from directly or indirectly soliciting an insured person during the course of a...

How to Make the Most Money as a Claims Adjuster

If you're considering a career as a Claims Adjuster or are looking for the next step in your professional journey, it's...

Is Becoming an Insurance Claims Adjuster Worth It?

Adjusters understand that dealing with damage can be a stressful experience, and their main goal is to help you get back...

How Many Licensed Public Adjusters Are in Florida?

It's all part of a network of adjusters, contractors and lawyers who, according to insurers, have cost companies a lot in ...

Editors Picks

How to Become a Claims Adjuster and Earn the Most Money

How to Become a Claims Adjuster and Earn the Most Money

Are you considering a career as a Claims Adjuster? If so, you may be wondering what kind of salary you can expect to...

How to Get a Florida Public Adjuster License

How to Get a Florida Public Adjuster License

Are you looking to become a public adjuster in Florida? Obtaining a public adjuster license in the state of Florida is a...

What Can a Public Adjuster Do For You?

What Can a Public Adjuster Do For You?

A public adjuster is an independent professional who works on behalf of the policyholder. They are similar to a claims...

What Benefits Does a Public Adjuster Offer?

What Benefits Does a Public Adjuster Offer?

Having a public adjuster on your side during the claims process can be invaluable. They are experienced professionals who ...

Do Public Adjusters Need a License in Florida?

Do Public Adjusters Need a License in Florida?

You must be licensed in Florida as a comprehensive adjuster and have been continuously appointed for the previous six...

When to Hire a Public Adjuster: A Comprehensive Guide

When to Hire a Public Adjuster: A Comprehensive Guide

The insurance adjuster works for the insurance company, and their job is to obtain information about claims and determine ...